I posted the following last night at That's Another Fine Mess:

Once again, the Cretin News Network and the overage yuppies still stupid enough to continue to work there lived down to my expectations: no mic control, no holding El Jefe Del Mar A Lardo to the rules, and Alex Wagner proved how desperate she is not to get dropped at MSNBC like happened back in 2008 (I just canceled recording her show). I’ll laugh if he wins and they and the rest of the DC Press Corpse find themselves looking out from the wrong side of the barbed wire fence at the tent city in West Texas they’re confined to. They all fucking well deserve it, but we don’t.

Once again, I will say that if the DC Press Corpse and the rest of the cable news yuppies and the “Democratic Consultants” had been in the Navy between December 7, 1941 and June 4, 1942, someone would have thrown their useless asses overboard.

Oh, it’s terible! The enemy is winning! Whatever can we do??? Well, as Dick Best told me, “We did our jobs and didn’t think about losing because it was unthinkable.” And then on June 4, 1942, they cut out the heart of the Japanese in six deadly minutes.

Too many Americans act like professional-level nitwits. They’re the reason we didn’t get The GI Bill For Everybody in the Second New Deal that didn’t happen because they were (sniff, sniff, boo hoo) “disappointed” by the way the war had been going, so they didn’t show up to vote on the first Tuesday in November 1942…

Four days before the US Army landed in North Africa. Step One on the hard-fought road to Normandy.

And let me tell you from ten years’ experience as a “professional Democrat” that the term “Democratic Consultant” is a two word quickie for “over-educated otherwise-unemployable moron who’s a legend in his own mind”.

I agree completely with what Josh Marshall wrote to a TPM subscriber:

“It sucked. It was brutal. But this is where we are. And a million people in history have been in suck and brutal situations and they pushed forward. Maybe they were in a battle and then they all died. Or maybe that was the moment when they made the critical decision to pull together and they won. This is living in history where we don’t know which story we’re in. That’s life. It provides an immense psychic relief to break the existential glass and say he should withdraw. Okay, then what? This is where we are and we have to keep fighting because that’s the only realistic choice we have.”

We. Have. To. Keep. Fighting. Because. That’s. The. Only. Realistic. Choice. We. Have.

Just like the guys on the carriers at Midway who tore the heart out of the enemy after six months of retreat and defeat.

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You're right. We have no choice but to keep fighting. And take the long view while we're doing it.

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Hi, TCinLA. Sitting here enjoying your article and chuckling at your snarky sarcasm. So much truth in what you express. Yes! Onward! Biden for the win.

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Also, as the saying goes, If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS. That’s what Trump does, Baffles everyone with BS! My poor beloved President Biden..

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Thanks, Shirley. Come over and visit my Substack. You'll get along well with the readers.

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I agree with you that he wasn't prepared for the 'debate' he should have known was coming. Heather Cox Richardson said Trump was using the 'Gish Gallop', meaning throwing out so many often unrelated lies that the opponent can't keep up. This is a definition: The Gish gallop is a rhetorical technique that involves overwhelming your opponent with as many arguments as possible, with no regard for the accuracy, validity, or relevance of those arguments.

I believe Biden's team should have prepared him for Trump using this technique since it's how he communicates all the time.

I believe Biden should hold a press conference TODAY and acknowledge how poorly he did, apologize that he has frightened the public and assure us that he is more than capable of taking care of our country.

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Excellent idea Sidney.

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My thoughts too.

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Can someone give us a refresher on how appropriate it would be for an opponent of a sitting president to conduct negotiations with foreign governments?

At least twice last night, Mr Trump, private citizen extraordinaire, promised to undertake his own diplomacy with Russia before his inauguration.

By what right?

\Vince S

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I agree. I even wrote to my congresswoman about that (it's a violation of the Logan Act). Even though she's a Democrat, she didn't answer and she usually does. The problem is Merrick Garland. He's simply incapable of enforcing the law.

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Grrr. I noticed that too.

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Jun 28Liked by Adam Stein

I so very much appreciate your thoughtful and encouraging words, Lt. Colonel. I feel the same way, and you word it way better. Man, was I ever sick about it last night, though. It’s like nobody can control Trump. Not the moderators, not the opponents. But I like what you said that even while Trump controls the show, he is showing his awful self.

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PS. I should ask you how you wish to be addressed. I want to honor your service in the best way.

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Post Bombed Debate

This is directed to those who may feel dismay and those who still have hope following the debate. For those who say, “we’ve lost” or “Biden cannot stay in the race,” I hope that you will hold on a little longer. I am sorry your hope was so easily dashed. To those who are hanging on I say, it is not our hope that will keep D. J. Trump out of the presidency, it is our strength. Nobody says that this monumental campaign is going to run smoothly with no bumps in the road. President Biden, after multiple trips around the world, with a cold and a week of being subjected to his campaign staffers’ angst and push on debate issues, came and underperformed. This is one debate. Other presidents have bombed in a debate and went on to win their races. Take a breath and relax.

We all grow older; it is the human condition. It does not make us less effective in our decision making, it just takes a little more time. Biden’s decision-making strength comes from his weighing the numbers, the effects on people and our economy, and a multitude of other things. When asked a question he processes a lot, and processing and verbalizing in a two-minute window is a challenge for anyone, especially for an older individual.

Spewing lies is a much easier task. Which was done, as expected, but with no pushback from the moderators, other than a three time repeat of original, unanswered questions, by Diana Bash. I refuse to go into the fact checking Trump in this comment, I’ll leave that to the professionals.

Remember what a dark hole we are viewing in Trump’s Project 2025 plan. I plan to work for the elections of Biden and Harris, and every clear-thinking Democrat up and down the ballot. I accept the bombed debate outcome of this one debate and will move forward, as I sincerely hope all of you will as well.

NOTE: In the next debate, if it happens, I think that the inclusion of notes, on cards or paper, and a three-minute response time would be helpful. While muting the mic was a well-intended addition, it did not mute a debater from making himself be heard on the stage. This was unfortunate, particularly when someone was spewing lies, although it did make the audience’s listening atmosphere calmer.

I'm posting this everywhere I go. Have a nice day.

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I would hope that the “moderators” & broadcasters would use technology they have to Fact Check in real time!

Either have an audio “BeeP” or visual “star flash” on the side of the speaker’s onscreen visual indicating a falsehood. People could see &/or see the lies accumulate.

It would not have to disrupt the debate, it could be on the screen and just appear to the audiences. We Have the technology.

For any broadcast or network Not to do Fact Checking This Way is Negligent!

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Jun 28Liked by Adam Stein

Thank you for your calm, thoughtful analysis. You’re a breath of fresh air amidst the hysteria over last night. Your indefatigable optimism helps me to keep working to end Trumpism in November.

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As I have posted this is when everyone must be made aware of the 2025 project. Biden has and will surround himself with with knowledgeable professionals who have the best interest of the United States and its citizens. Trump on the other hand will be surrounded by yes men who pledge allegiance to the orange maggot and have one goal in mind destroying the American I love. Dehumanizing the people that do not agree with them

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He has been an incredible, strong, President of the United States.

I’m at a loss as to what happened last night!

It didn’t look or sound incredible or strong. I loath The Con Man, despise him. I don’t understand if Joe was ill & feeling unwell; they could have and SHOULD have said,

“The President is unwilling to expose Mr trump to the cold the President’s got- so we’re postponing the debate til after the holiday.”

It would have been SO Much Better than that fiasco last night! It would have been caring and saved us from That “debate” performance.

Our President Biden has been a Fantastic President! 4 Years of America under President Joe Biden has been a relief. I love Joe and Kamala. But watching last night was brutal.

America had been Soooo Much Better under President Biden than the stench of trump’s corrupt, unAmerican, Democracy and America-hating 4 years.

Not pulling a RBG or Feinstein play of “stubbornness” and possibly even arrogance by my President is a must!

An Absolute MUST.

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Good post, Beverly. What it looked like to me was that our beloved President Biden was stunned by the BS from Trump. As somebody else said, I’m angry with Biden’s prep team. But seriously, can anyone debate Trump?

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I wish I felt the same. I wish I had confidence in Biden to go the distance. I was fired up after the State of the Union, but now I honestly wish we can get someone else. It isn’t that I don’t think that Biden has done a good job. He has. But scores of people have wondered about his age, including Democrats. Last night my fears came to the surface. Biden’s pride has undone him as Trump’s narcissism will undo our country.

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It doesn't matter if you "lack confidence." 80% of the guys who landedon Omaha Beach "lacked confidence" but they did it anyway.

It we don't leave it all on the field by November 5, we *deserve* to be fucked by a collection of Southern traitor Confederates led by a goddamned disgusting MORON.

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So, you're ready to bail on President Biden on the basis of a single bad night? I'm sick about all of the Democrats who are jumping on the "too old" track on the basis of a single bad night. Just who do you think there is who could replace him as a Democratic candidate who could beat Trump? Last night was a anomaly for a man who is almost always articulate and on point. If we don't support and vote for Biden in November, then Trump wins. Do you really want that to happen?

Watch this from today (Friday 6/28) and see if you still think he's too old and too weak to continue as president. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watch-live-biden-speaks-at-opening-of-stonewall-visitor-center-key-location-for-lgbt-rights

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Debate prep was over thought. Jon Stewart’s recap is a roadmap of what needed to be done. Keep things simple the attack dynamic and fresh and as you noted start out each response with a reiteration of the lies spewed. What we needed to see was Biden’s personality and passion.

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PS thank you for the article. The reframing is so essential and rather have this happen now than later in the election season

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100% agree with your analysis.

The reality is this: if the Democrats switch candidates now, they would be handing the election to Trump. The President needs to take a few days to recover and then get out there and — as you said — demonstrate his vitality. He was fantastic at the State of the Union and can get it back. For better or worse, the electorate suffers from goldfish brain and won’t remember or care about this debate.

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Thank you. I agree.

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I agree, and will not abandon a fine, honest, hard working President because he is old and had a bad night. The President does not do his work from a podium with a moron 10 feet away calling him a liar and a bad man...he works with colleagues and advisors and does what he can to improve the lives of Americans and keep peace in this volatile world.

There is no comparison between these two men...President Biden is a loyal American, and his opponent is a traitor to this country and our Constitution. (one who should have already been convicted of treason for Jan.6, and his collusion with Russia against our nation)

Americans need to wake up, those who haven't already, and realize that if they vote republican, they are voting against themselves and their freedom.

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I watched the debate all the way through. Trump has reached another level of how many lies he can say at one time. As President Biden said the next day He knows how to tell the truth. It was one night let's move on!! I am with President Biden ALL the way!! Four more years! Four more years!

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Thinking of your family today. It was almost impossible for me to watch last night-I’ve lost family to the cult-but I’m sure it felt awful at your home!

Joe is amazing! He’s going to win!

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