Thank you Lt Col Vindman the frozen assets of course will help Ukraine, and hopefully the EU will agree (members who stand with PP should absolutely have no say in the frozen assets whatsoever, that in itself has stopped Ukraine from being a member and a member of NATO). I understand and the majority of us understand what’s at stake the survival of humanity, Ukraine, our allies and the U.S. 🌎. It’s necessary Ukraine strike within Russia and it is clear by Biden not to target Moscow or the Kremlin. Troops are needed and have been needed long before now, including air defense and F-16 should of been there as well, knowing Ukrainian pilots are being trained but it shouldn’t of taken this long, I believe. Ukraine is sacrificing everything for EU, NATO & 🌎 against Russian aggression, they need troops now from countries to help them. Of course there is the International Legion helping, more is needed for the sake of Ukrainians and humanity. We have to vote and support all Democratic candidates in this election year to stop Trump from ever setting foot in the WH and re-elect President Biden. Thank you again Honorable Lt Col Vindman.

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Always informed and informative. Thanks.

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Problem solved - went to cnn site

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I couldn’t hear the clip??

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