Thank you for your calm, factual and forthright description of DMT’s cowardice in failing to support Ukraine against naval attacks in the Black Sea.

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Thank you. This is an excellent reminder of an already forgotten incident that highlights exactly how poorly Trump handled situations when he was in office.

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Thank you for your clarity and strength.

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This is pure Anti-American Trump. As this guy was in the White House!

Why would anyone want to see this ugliest of the ugly-Americans ever get near the Presidency again????

There is only 1 history - and the history of the family of Ts is cowardice and unAmerican behavior.

A) Donnie’s ‘grandpa-T’ fled military service from his homeland. Later he was refused re-entry to live in Germany by Royal Decree from Germany-Bavaria government when he tried to return with his German wife. They were told they could never come back.

He was a draft dodger and exiled because of it.

So we got stuck with the “family-T” here in America!!

B) Daddy-Fred didn’t serve in our military in WWI because his draft-dodging German daddy-T died in the 1917 from that Pandemic. Donnie’s Daddy-Fred didn’t serve in WWI but was arrested at a KKK rally in NYC in 1927. Fun fact. Elizabeth (grandma-T) was the head of E. Trump & son. It was Her business Fred was the beneficiary of HER Money & business acumen.

C) Draft dodging skipped one T-family generation by sheer luck for Fred-T. The cowardice of bone spurs Donnie-T is known. He could play basketball at his prep-school (military or not - it was a private, prep school). And obviously bone spurs have never kept him from golfing…🙄

He is such an Anti-American that in his wives divorce decrees he Made It A Condition that None of “his children” could serve in the US military otherwise the settlement and their support money was over!

This misogynistic, liar of a man and the Bannons, Roger Stones, Musk, Murdock, Mercers, Stephen Millers are all authoritarian, supporters of racism & white supremacy. Not of Democracy. Not of America.

Trump and Putin, Xi, Modero, Bolsonaro, Musks, Netanyahu, The supreme leader of Iran; they are all members of a dangerous unAmerican club. Liars & Cowards who always blame others for their failures and because of their Absolute Lust for power. Authoritarians, Racists.

Lust & Power, Power & Lust.

Legitimate or Not- the demand Power!

Their Power.

Money, is Power!

They want it all.

Not Power For & Of WE THE PEOPLE.

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You sir, are such a wonderful person and American.

Thank You. Stay safe & healthy!

And thank your brother Eugene, for running to secure a seat in Congress and truly help make American Democracy become better & stronger.

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You’re a brave man. Thank you for your efforts to keep us informed about the global and internal threats the US faces today.

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Hope to catch you in Ukraine next time on my program, Mr. Vindman.

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Thank you, Alexander for this piece. What is your analysis of the possibility that tRump has been compromised by Russia and is actually a Russian asset. That would make more sense than his feeling of affinity with tyrants or his admiration of Putin.

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Correction: reference DJT’s cowardice….

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